Wednesday, January 13, 2010

29 Weeks

OMGosh. I feel like I am being stabbed in the ribs. Not with a foot, but with a knife. It stings so bad. I also can't breathe. I'm very uncomfortable and I really hate that I'm not enjoying this more.

Doc appointment on Friday. Signed up for a breastfeeding class today. Childbirth class next two Thursdays (after this one). Have to pick a pedi. Have to start the nursery. Have to fill out FMLA stuff. Feeling overwhelmed.

Here's today's belly pic.

And look from the front. My belly looks so weird! My belly button is all stretched out and gross looking.


pmarie33 said...

I'm so sorry you aren't enjoying this more. I'll find you tomorrow.

mats said...

i'm sorry you are uncomfortable. but you look great!