This might be easier for me. I'll be able to blog while I'm nursing.
We still have thrush/yeast infection. We are both taking Diflucan for 7 days. I'm not in much pain anymore but her mouth still has white patches in it. It's so frustrating since I can't freeze any milk--I'm making plenty of it. Pedi said I can't while taking Diflucan.
We survived two graduations this weekend. S was so well behaved. Such a little angel! My little brother graduated from Texas A&M with a 4.0. He was one of only 27 kids in a class of 6500. I'm so proud of him, he's a smart kid. We also made the trek to my future sister-in-law's graduation from Baylor with a nursing degree.
I realized that I have to go back to work in a month from today. I'm dreading it. I never imagined that I would love being a mom so much. I'm not looking forward to missing out on all her firsts. I'll likely miss her first word, first crawl, first step, etc. Maybe I'll luck out and she will save the good stuff for the weekends. Regardless, I think I'll just have to tell the nanny to not tell me if she does something new so I get to think that I'm watching her first time. Of course, I know I'm just the kind of person that would wonder in the back of my mind if she's done that before. I'm going to have to suppress those thoughts!
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{eight year well child}
7 years ago