I had an ultrasound and doctor's appointment this morning. The best news is that her kidney looks great! There's no evidence of any dilation in her right kidney so seems like the doctor was right--she did outgrow it all on her own! All appears to be well.
She's measuring 5 lbs, 8 oz already....at 33 weeks! The tech showed us on a graph, she's definitely above the average curve, but is still within normal range. I'm a little afraid of how big she may get. I'm only 5'2" so seems like she's taking after her 6'2" daddy. Eeek! We may have a volleyball player on our hands.
Here's a picture from today:
Isn't she chunky???? I've started calling her my chunky monkey. ::pats belly:: (I'm not sure she likes that.)
At my doctor appointment, I am measuring a week ahead of schedule....finally. I had been measuring "perfectly" on time until now. As she measured me, the PA said, "Hmmm, you're running out of room here aren't you?" Ummm yes....I don't know that I can make it another 7-9 weeks. 9 weeks because the conversation we had last appointment was that they would let me go two weeks past my due date if there wasn't any progress before they would induce. Today, she sounded open to the idea of inducing me before 42 weeks if my growth picks up, but I think we're hopeful that I've got some progress going by my 36 week appointment. She said that if someone has shown some progress at their 36 appointment, they will rarely make it to their due date. I sure hope she's right! I would love to meet this baby in 4-5 weeks!
My total weight gain stands at 24 pounds. I still only have 2 tiny stretch marks on my left boob. Absolutely none on my stomach, I got 2 compliments on how good my stomach looks this morning from the medical professionals. What can I say, I was blessed in that department at least. My mom never got any with me or with the quads...which sounded impressive. She said at 27 weeks, she was measuring as if she were 46 weeks.
Here I am at 33 weeks, 2 days.
Come on baby, start making plans to pack up and move out here soon!
{eight year well child}
6 years ago
i had a perfect tummy until 35 weeks ::sob::
i hope the stretch mark fairy leaves you alone- sounds like you've got good genes on your side though. luuucky!
You look wonderful....such a cute belly!
i want to pinch her chubby cheeks!
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