Tuesday, September 15, 2009

12 Weeks, 2 Days

Nothing new to report, other than I think today, I am finally feeling better.

I went back to the doctor yesterday because I still had a fever and had a lot of back pain, plus my bladder STILL felt the size of an acorn. They didn't do anything other than insist the meds should work and told me to take the rest of the day off yesterday and take today off to lie around and drown myself drinking water. Oh and to call my urologist to "log" this one in my records with him (that I had 2 bladder infections in 3 weeks in the first trimester) and make sure he agrees with the treatment plan.

So, I have done as instructed. :-) It's been nice.

And, I am feeling better. Haven't had any "out of the ordinary" back pain and I've drank a lot of water.

Here's a belly pic from today:

NT Scan is Thursday morning and I have an appointment with my urologist Friday morning. Should be uneventful since I'm feeling better, but I'm following directions.

1 comment:

Juicy said...


AWESOME. Yes, I have to talk in all caps. It's absurd. It's amazing. It's fantastic. It's all of these things and MORE!

Yay for almost being out of the 1st tri. But boo for bladders the size of acorns. I'm guessing the small-size acorns, yes?